Tuesday, November 6, 2007               6:00 P.M.









Committee Present: Carol White, Chair, Jen Belesca, Beverly Johnson, Ken Pelton, and Jerry Wiles.

Administration: Alton L. Hadley, III, Superintendent/Principal

Staff: Althea Dugliss

Guest: Sam Birkett


1.             Call to Order

Jen Belesca, Acting Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


2.             Flag Salute

Belesca led the Committee and those present in the salute to the flag.


3.      Approval of Agenda                                                    (A)

         Motion to approve the agenda with a request to discuss Gr. 5 to Gr. 6 transition added

         Moved- White, seconded- Johnson                    Approved            5-0-0


4.      Approval of Minutes                                                    (A)

         Motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held on October 16, 2007

         Moved- Johnson, seconded- White                    Approved            5-0-0


5.      Correspondence                                                           (I)

Hadley reported that he had received a check from the Island Institute to provide support for the Island¹s Artist in Residence Program that will take place in the spring.


6.      Public Comment


7.      Reports                                                                      (I)(D)

·      School Board Chair

White reported on the MSBA Conference she attended.  She noted that she had attended a workshop on Energy Audits and will propose at a later meeting that we investigate participation.  She attended a ³responsibility of school board members² presentation and stated that it was very informative.


·      Superintendent/Principal/SPED Director

Hadley reported:

a.       Letter to the Commissioner requesting $2,500 to support the Island Schools Coalition.   

b.      Distributed the Vinalhaven Consolidation Alternative Plan.

c.       That he and Althea Dugliss, Administrative Secretary had met with the Town Administrator and Karen Hamilton to compare financial reports.  It was a very helpful meeting and will continue on a quarterly basis.

d.      Distributed the Technology Plan and asked for feedback.  He will e-mail to Committee members.

e.       Staff reports and updates will be available for the Committee at the first meeting each month.

f.       That the NWEA¹s testing at MSAD #51 has been completed.   


8.      Old Business                                                               (I)(D)(A)

a.       Policy ACAA, ADC, ADC-R, ADF, AC, and AC/R

After a reading and discussion of each Policy, the Committee members took the following action:


Motion to adopt Policy AC- Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action       

Moved- White, seconded- Johnson             Approved            5-0-0


Motion to adopt Policy AC-R- Grievance Procedure    

Moved- Johnson, seconded- Pelton             Approved            5-0-0


Motion to approve for First Reading Policy ACAA- Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students  

Moved- Pelton, seconded- Belesca               Approved            5-0-0


Motion to approve for First Reading Policy ADC-Tobacco Use and Possession

Moved- Johnson, seconded- White             Approved            5-0-0


Motion to approve for First reading Policy ADC-R- Tobacco Use and Possession Administrative Procedure

Moved- White, seconded- Belesca               Approved            5-0-0


b.         The Committee and members present continued to brainstorm ideas for goals for the current school year.  Hadley suggested that the Committee consider the adoption of a Mission Statement.  He presented several options.  Birkett suggested a committee of interested community and school people to come up with a statement of mission from the provided plans.


Hadley and others suggested goals addressing student learning, facility and technology upgrades, community involvement and how we meet the expectations of consolidation.  One goal of the Department that received strong support was the ensuring students are able to make a smooth transition to the next level.


Teaching respect, wellness, nutrition, and physical fitness were also suggested. 

The Committee will continue to address the need to establish goals for the Committee and the Department at future meetings.

9.      New Business                                                              (I)(D)(A)

a.              Warrant #6

Committee members reviewed and signed Warrant #6


b.             October Financial Report

Hadley distributed the Financial Report for October and responded to Committee questions.  The budget looks on target with one or two accounts requiring a freeze or monitoring.


10.     Other Business

·      Johnson brought up the program for transitioning our Gr 5 students to the Gr 6 at Greely Middle School.  Discussion indicated that this can be a difficult transition for students and we need to work to ease the process as much as possible.  It is even move difficult with only a single individual.  White suggested involving Ken Marks a GMS.  Hadley will make the contact and work wit school officials to develop a supportive program.

·      Wiles updated the Committee members on the Longfellow Birthday celebration.  He has packets for CIS students for 11/7/07 classes.  On Thursday the 13th Calhoun, Longfellow¹s biographer will be at the Hall to do a presentation.  Students, parents and all Committee members are invited

·      Hadley reported the date for Winter Concert is December 11, 2007.

·      White reported that she had reimbursement request from two Superintendent candidates and asked if the search committee had agreed that to.  That being confirmed, the committee requested the candidates be compensated in the next Warrant.

·      Belesca brought up the behavior of some students on the bus and the boat during their trip to the mainland.  Hadley indicated that he would do a letter to the parents to address the concerns.


11.     Adjourn

         Without objection, the meeting was adjourned at 8:31 PM.



A- ACTION                  D- DISCUSSION          I- INFORMATION